Adipec 2023: In Abu Dhabi, networking that counts speaks Italian

Matteo Colombo, CEO of Profile Middle East and one of the most prominent Italians in the international community residing in the Emirates, created the most successful social event held in Abu Dhabi during the three days of the most important energy fair.

by Roberto Crowe

“Sipping 2023” is the Italian networking event that has positively marked this 2023 edition of Adipec, the most important international event dedicated to the world of energy. Organised by Matteo Colombo, CEO of Profile Middle East and one of the most prominent Italians in the international community residing in the Emirates, the event brought together at the Rosewood Hotel the area’s main industrial operators, including representatives from Adnoc, Irena, Technimont, Profile Middle East, Technometer Middle East, Rec-Place, Oiltech, and Ligabue, together with representatives from the area’s main oil & gas companies.

Guests were able to participate in networking activities with professionals with similar interests, facilitating the exchange of ideas and innovative perspectives and creating space for potential partnerships. In addition, industry leaders shared valuable information on emerging collaborations and business opportunities in the industrial project sector, keeping guests up-to-date on the latest trends.

‘We are proud of the work we have done,’ Colombo said welcoming the guests, ‘the Italian community in the emirates is very active and growing year by year. Sipping 2023, which I had the pleasure of organising, is a testimony to this presence and our growth. Being together is an opportunity that will help us strengthen our activities and make this territory and the companies that have invested here more and more prosperous’.

The event kicked off with a welcome speech by His Excellency Lorenzo Fanara, Ambassador of Italy to the United Arab Emirates, who, emphasising the positive and growing role that Italy is playing in the area, also helped to give the evening an institutional profile. A notable contribution to the success of the evening, in addition to the active support of the Italian Embassy in the UAE, also came from the Italian Trade Agency in the UAE and the Italian Trade and Industry Office in the UAE, which emphasised the importance of the event in promoting cooperation between Italian and foreign companies.

During the course of the evening, the participating companies presented their experiences in the fields of human resources consulting, visual drone surveys, industrial recruitment, process engineering and facility management, and, of course, all other energy-related services. In short, an evening with a ‘Milanese’ slant focused on the pleasure of being together, but above all on the development of business and new opportunities. A success that was applauded by all participants to the point that in his welcome speech Matteo Colombo already announced the organisation of the 2024 edition.

(Associated Medias | FAD) – All rights reserved