Democrats in Disarray: Calls for Biden to Step Down After Disastrous Debate

Internal Strife Intensifies as Biden Falters Against Trump in Atlanta

In the wake of the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Democrats are sounding alarms and urging President Joe Biden to step aside following what many describe as a disastrous performance against former President Donald Trump.

Ahead of the debate, prominent Democrats had a unified piece of advice for Biden: Be yourself. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez all echoed this sentiment. They hoped Biden could counter Trump’s anticipated bombast with steady leadership.

However, Biden’s debate performance left much to be desired. Throughout the night, he interrupted himself, his voice often hoarse and strained. His faltering delivery starkly reminded viewers of his advanced age and struggles with public speaking, issues that have long plagued his presidency.

The debate, intended to showcase Biden’s ability to challenge Trump head-on, seemed to backfire. Polls consistently show Biden trailing Trump, with voters citing his age as a significant concern. Thursday night’s debate only reinforced these fears as Biden stumbled through his opening remarks.

“Any Democrat who is not in panic mode is the stupidest person in America right now,” tweeted Patrick Murray, director of Monmouth University’s polling.

Trump seized on Biden’s difficulties. After Biden rambled through an answer on immigration, Trump quipped, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence – and I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

Even Vice President Kamala Harris, a staunch Biden supporter, acknowledged his shaky start in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “Yes, it was a slow start,” she admitted. “That’s obvious to everyone. I’m not going to debate that point. I’m talking about the choice in November.”

Harris took to the airwaves to defend Biden, but her efforts did little to quell growing concerns within the party. A Democratic strategist bluntly told The Independent, “Horrible. Need to have Harris take over. Cleanest option.”

Republicans, meanwhile, reveled in Biden’s struggles. Scott Jennings, a former adviser to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, noted a CNN flash poll showing viewers thought Trump had won the debate two-to-one. Michael Whatley, chairman of the Republican National Committee, praised Trump’s performance, saying, “President Trump understands how to solve the problems plaguing the American people. Biden couldn’t even understand the questions.”

Despite his perceived victory, Trump was not without fault. While he managed to temper his aggressive style from previous debates, he still propagated numerous falsehoods about immigration, abortion, the January 6 riot, and his own legal troubles. When Biden accused him of moral failings, Trump flatly denied allegations of an affair with Stormy Daniels, saying, “I didn’t have sex with a porn star.”

A second Democratic strategist warned against despair, noting that while Biden’s performance was below expectations, it did not signal the end. “The expectations for Joe Biden were low, but he didn’t come close to meeting them,” they said anonymously. “It is what it is—donors will panic, Democrats will lament, and we will all have to rally around Biden. We won’t win this election through debates, clearly. It’s gonna be a long slog.”

Later that evening, Biden attempted to recover by addressing a watch party in Atlanta. He appeared more vigorous, dismissing Trump’s debate claims as lies. “They’re going to be out there fact-checking,” he assured supporters. “I can’t think of one thing that he said was true.”

Biden mingled with supporters for nearly half an hour before departing. He later visited a Waffle House, where he downplayed concerns about his performance. “No. It’s hard to debate a liar,” he said. “The New York Times pointed out he lied 26 times.”

Deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty seemed to shrug off the internal panic, posting on social media, “Twitter: Doing twitter stuff. Biden supporters: Doing the work, powering us to our best grassroots fundraising day of the cycle by far.”

(Associated Medias) – Tutti i diritti sono riservati