Grimaldi Alliance receives UNI 125:2022 certification for gender equality

Grimaldi Alliance has achieved gender parity certification-an important milestone for GA, thus demonstrating its longstanding focus on gender parity in the professional services sector.

Vittorio Grimaldi, Founder of Grimaldi Alliance

by Carlo Longo

The certification was achieved in accordance with the UNI 125:2022 practice, which defines guidelines for a gender equality management system, and represents significant recognition for the firm’s proactive approach and relentless work to promote an equitable work environment that respects gender diversity: culture and strategy; governance; human resources processes; opportunities for women’s growth and inclusion in the firm; gender pay equity; parenting protection and work-life balance. The certification was achieved with the support of a team coordinated by Daniela Fioretti, partner and member of the Strategic Advisory Board.

Francesco Sciaudone, Managing Partner of GA commented, “This certification reflects the hard work and commitment of our team in creating an inclusive and respectful environment where gender differences are valued and celebrated. Grimaldi Alliance,” Sciaudone pointed out, “has not only put inclusion at the center of its growth strategy, it has also declined diversity as the elimination of any difference in treatment, as a desire to make a difference and as being different, in a professional services market that is too preoccupied with technology and too little with the human factor, which remains central to us.

GA is determined to maintain this commitment by continuing to develop initiatives aimed at Diversity and Sustainability, not only within the firm but also in the active support of its clients. In fact, GA has established a multidisciplinary team-with partners Maddalena Boffoli, Vincenzo Maurizio Dispinzeri, and Francesco Conti-in order to assist companies in the processes of certification and, more generally, of adjusting their governance with respect to the principles of sustainability and management of ESG factors.

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