Banks: Intesa Sanpaolo tops LinkedIn’s Top Companies

Italy’s leading bank wins another accolade: judged the best company in Italy in which to develop one’s career and grow professionally

New important affirmation for Italy’s leading bank. For Linkedin, the international network of professionals, Intesa Sanpaolo is the best company in Italy in which to develop one’s career and grow professionally.

This is thanks to the enhancement of talent that the bank is able to activate on a stable basis. Being first in LinkedIn’s Top Companies ranking means seeing the Group’s commitment to its people recognised. Attention to its staff that manifests itself through an integrated strategy that includes innovative ways of organising work, such as, for example, the short week. A privilege that is integrated with other tools such as smart working and flexible working hours.

For this type of activity Intesa Sanpaolo is recognised by the main international indices as one of the most inclusive and attentive to diversity in the world. Intesa Sanpaolo also has one of the most important recruitment plans with the entry of 4,600 people by 2025, of which 2,000 in IT and digital professions, as well as an extensive retraining plan for 8,000 people. The ranking compiled by LinkIn is drawn up on the basis of eight key elements: the ability to advance, increasing skills, stability company, external opportunity, company affinity, diversity gender, educational background and the number of employees in the country.

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