Deadly Escape: Gunmen Attack French Prison Van, Officers Killed

A violent incident in northern France leaves at least two prison officers dead and others wounded as gunmen facilitate an inmate’s escape.

In a brazen daytime assault, gunmen attacked a prison transport van in Incarville, in the Eure region of northern France, resulting in the death of at least two officers and the escape of a high-risk inmate. The attack, which occurred late morning at a road toll, also left three officers wounded.

According to Agence France-Presse, the assailants, who were in two vehicles, rammed the van transporting the prisoner from Rouen to Evreux in Normandy. In the chaos that followed, the gunmen managed to free the inmate, later identified as Mohamed A., a recent convict involved in robberies and charged with a 2022 murder related to drug trafficking.

French President Emmanuel Macron and Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti have expressed their shock and horror over the attack. Macron vowed an uncompromising search for the assailants, emphasizing the severity of the attack. Dupond-Moretti, who is coordinating a crisis response, stressed the importance of apprehending the “commando team of killers” responsible for the bloodshed.

The incident has triggered the deployment of France’s elite GIGN police unit and the activation of the Epervier plan, which calls for extensive police mobilization in crisis situations. The attack has also stirred significant political reactions, particularly from far-right parties, emphasizing the growing concerns over law and order in the country ahead of the upcoming European elections.

This violent outbreak not only highlights the perils faced by law enforcement officials but also underscores the challenges in managing high-risk prisoners. The French government’s response and the ongoing manhunt reflect the gravity of the situation as the nation grapples with the implications of this deadly escape.

(Associated Medias) – All rights reserved