Grimaldi Alliance, Daniel Fesler managing partner of the new Brussels office

The international law firm led by Francesco Sciaudone opens in Belgium and entrusts the management of the office to Daniel Fesler ex Baker McKenzie
Daniel fesler.

Daniel fesler

News Desk

Grimaldi Alliance has announced the opening of its new Belgian office and the arrival and appointment of Daniel Fesler (right) as managing partner of the Brussels office.

The new office, located in the heart of the European institutions, with a truly international team, will now also be active on the Belgian law front, strengthening the already established European law and advocacy activities.

Daniel Fesler (pictured right), a Belgian lawyer with almost 30 years of experience, recently concluded a major professional experience at Baker McKenzie that lasted over 22 years as a partner, including six years as Belgian managing partner. He has extensive experience in dispute resolution, including arbitration, commercial and information technology (IT/C) law. He specialises in litigation, with a focus on technology and compliance/economic crime issues. He also deals with litigation in the field of public and administrative law. As an advisor, Fesler deals with complex contractual and regulatory issues and has developed specific expertise in electronic communication, media, smart mobility, intelligent transport systems, connected car and associated services, also from the perspective of EU law.

This is how Fesler commented the start of the new chapter in his career: ‘I am thrilled to join the Grimaldi Alliance and to contribute to its development in Belgium and internationally, so that all its associated firms can follow their clients as efficiently as possible, and really support them. With the team on site in Brussels and with all our colleagues around the world, we work hard to achieve our common goals of ‘finding solutions to the most complex and specific needs, while guaranteeing the highest level of service’.

(Associated Medias)