Hernando Suarez the Colombian architect who designed the Juventus stadium and much in Africa has died

A great visionary has passed away after a short illness. He had designed a lot in Italy but also a lot on the young continent, becoming friends with many illustrious personalities, such as the President of Eritrea, who saw in him a man capable of looking inside the works he did and the peoples he represented

by Guido Talarico

Hernando Suarez has left us. An incurable illness took him away within a few months. Colombian by birth, Italian by adoption, he was an architect of international fame and prominence. Not all Juventus fans may remember him, but the stadium where they go to cheer and watch the old lady was designed by him. But he was more than an architect. That way of looking at forms with curiosity, attention and respect was an attitude of introspection that went beyond the building sciences. We could say that Hernando was an architect of life. He looked inside people with the same strength, attention and depth that he dedicated to the most admirable of human works. I realised immediately when I met him that he was no ordinary man. It was 2015 and we happened to be together in Djibloho, the relocated capital in the middle of the jungle of Equatorial Guinea. It was a memorable meeting, because Hernando, like a true cosmopolitan philosopher, helped me to understand Africa, where I was beginning to work, and all the other countries, and there were many, where he had set stone.

The result was an article, which I not surprisingly entitled ‘I did well to go to Djibloho’, and a true friendship. An article that was dear to me, because it was from there that I began the adventure of this press agency, and I also think of him, because in that article I tried for perhaps the first time to tell the story of Hernando the philosopher and father. We never lost sight of each other again. Not often but between one trip and another we would meet in his Via Margutta and talk about art, architecture and geopolitics. I will miss those conversations, the fruit of parallel gazes, of unusual depths. Southern conversations that only a visionary Colombian could have. And I will miss his great humanity. Have a safe journey my friend.

This is a reconstruction of Hernando Suarez’s career and part of his life

“Hernando Suarez: Architect of Emotions and Dream Builder”

In the history of architecture, few have seamlessly merged aesthetics and functionality as masterfully as Hernando Suarez. The recent passing of this luminary in the world of architecture leaves a void not only in the professional community but also in the hearts of those privileged to have known Suarez’s creative genius.

Born in Bogotá, Colombia, Suarez embarked on an extraordinary journey when he received a scholarship to study architecture in Florence, Italy. It was there that he not only refined his technical skills but also met the woman who would become his wife, giving life to a family of four children of whom he was rightfully proud.

“People of virtue,” as he fondly referred to them, were the centre of his existence. Dedication to family permeated his approach to architecture, contributing to the creation of spaces that not only reflected the beauty of design but were also functional and welcoming.

Suarez was a profound thinker, a man who challenged the hustle and bustle of modern days. His motto, “Stop and think,” was more than a mere exhortation; it was a philosophy of life. Every decision, every choice of colour, or stroll in the woods had to have meaning. This reflective approach was clearly reflected in his works, which spoke of a unique blend of form and function.

A Global Architect: From Neighbourhoods to Iconic Sports Arenas

Co-founding a studio with his children, Suarez left a global footprint in the world of architecture. He designed neighbourhoods and cities worldwide, but it was in sports arenas that he found his true passion. Internationally renowned stadiums bear Suarez’s signature, with one of his most famous masterpieces being the Juventus Stadium in Turin. His latest work, a stadium with 90,000 covered seats, was recently completed in the New Olympic City in Egypt. However, Suarez’s legacy is tainted with sadness when discussing the Olembé Stadium in Cameroon. Despite efforts and dedication, this project suffered unjust treatments that left a wound in Suarez’s heart.

A Man of Principles: Eritrea and Social Commitment

Suarez was more than a successful architect; he was a man of principles who found inspiration in Eritrea. He admired the resilience and strength in the face of injustices and spoke affectionately about his travels to this country, which conveyed serenity and a sense of social justice.

Before closing his eyes forever, Hernando Suarez sent warm regards to the President of Eritrea, a gesture that testifies to the respect and admiration he held for a country that, for him, represented a beacon of serenity and social justice.

The legacy of Hernando Suarez lives on through his works, the neighbourhoods, and stadiums he shaped, and, above all, through the lives of those privileged to have known him. A man who constructed not only buildings but also emotions and dreams, Hernando Suarez will remain in the hearts of those who continue to see architecture as an expression of the soul and a means to shape our world into something extraordinary.

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