Middle East: Israel attacks Iran. Esfahan province and some bases in Syria targeted

Dawn this morning, Israel launched a counter-attack against Iran, specifically targeting the province of Esfahan and thus responding to previous Iranian attacks. Explosions were also reported in Syria. While Iran downplays the damage, claiming it has not suffered any direct missile attacks, the geopolitical tension negatively affects global financial markets. The US, although informed, did not approve the Israeli action

by Robert Crowe

In the early hours of the morning, Israel responded to the attacks suffered on 14 April, when Iran had used drones and missiles against Israeli territory. This recent counter-attack took place in the Iranian province of Esfahan, an area notable for its military and nuclear significance. Despite Iranian claims of no significant damage, the escalation had an immediate impact on global markets, with European and Asian indices showing a marked downward trend.

The US administration confirmed that it was forewarned of the Israeli action, but clearly stated that it did not approve of it, highlighting a possible friction in bilateral relations at a time of already high tension in the region. In parallel, the crisis between Israel and Hamas persists, further aggravating the situation.

The Iranian government has expressed its willingness not to proceed with an immediate response, perhaps seeking to avoid further escalation. Meanwhile, Iranian officials and media seek to play down the incident, describing the attack as limited to ‘drones’ and denying damage to nuclear sites.

In the broader context, the international community remains concerned about the repercussions of these tensions on global stability. Statements by various international actors, including the UK and Oman, point to a growing desire for de-escalation. However, the situation remains fluid and potentially volatile, with impacts extending well beyond regional borders.

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