Saudi energy giant Acwa Power relies on Italian Marco Arcelli to grow

Arcelli has more than 25 years of experience in the energy and infrastructure sector and has held senior roles in multinational companies in the field of digital innovation. Raad al Saady appointed Vice President

by Robert Crowe

An Italian arrives at the top of a Saudi multinational: Acwa Power, a global giant in power generation, water desalination and sustainable hydrogen, has announced the appointment of Marco Arcelli as CEO and Raad Al Saady as Vice President and Managing Director. These appointments are part of the Saudi Arabian company’s international growth strategy, which aims to take increasing shares in the markets in which it operates.

Marco Arcelli, a Genoese by birth and Roman by adoption, has more than 25 years of experience in the energy and infrastructure sector and has held senior roles in multinational companies in the field of digital innovation. His previous assignments include Enel Trade, Enel’s North American operations and Ep New Energy. Arcelli will be responsible for strategic and operational leadership, focusing on digital innovation to optimise operations and drive the group’s global growth.

Paddy Padmanathan, Arcelli’s predecessor, will remain active as a board member of Acwa Power, having led the company’s growth and expansion for more than 10 years.

Raad Al-Saady, with more than 20 years of experience in the financial services and automotive industries, will direct business development, manage stakeholder relations and lead various strategic initiatives.

Mohammad Abunayyan, President of Acwa Power, said the company is focused on expanding the business regionally and globally, and that the arrival of Arcelli and Al-Saady will further strengthen stakeholder relations and presence in the Saudi and international markets. Abunayyan also expressed gratitude to Padmanathan for his contribution to the company and the hope to continue to benefit from his expertise as a member of the Board of Directors.

Acwa Power, listed on the stock exchange since 2021, is currently present from 12 countries and its portfolio comprises 69 assets with an investment value of USD 72.6 billion.

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